Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Way too long

So the computer is still super messed up (sorry to all of you who are checking regularly for puppy pics!), but I've figured out how to get a few pictures up. Don't expect anything more for at least a week, but then look out for our pictures from the Carribean! Here are a few pictures of our puppy-to-be, Lyle. We'll pick him up next Friday, and we'll make sure we can get more shots of him.

Welcome back.

The funny thing is that I was just about to write you and tell you if you didn't post those puppy photos I would!
awwwwwwwwwwww...adorable...what a little sweetie.
Welcome back to the blogosphere! I can't wait to get my hands on that darling Lyle.
Lyle is the all time best name for a dog that cute and floppy and LYLY-ISH! Miss you guys.
He is so cute! Can't wait to see more pics.
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