Thursday, March 30, 2006


a little weather

We had a little storm earlier in the week with some small hail. This is the view from our guest bedroom across Winnie Street. Posted by Picasa



We finally made some forward progress on the dining room shelves. Notice the hooks for the mugs and the hanging pans. Someday we'll get the doors on, too . . . but not until we get the kitchen done! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 21, 2006



We went to Boston this weekend to help Rachel's friend Alison celebrate her 30th birthday. Rachel and Dania got Ali a big basket full of stuff (mostly pink), which is on her lap. We had a really fun night of meeting or re-connecting with Ali's friends and dancing to fabulous music. Posted by Picasa

p.s. Check out Ali's hair. In 12 years of friendship, Rachel has never seen it straight. Posted by Picasa


Where's Annie

We lost most of Annie last week. Here's what we found on the floor. Posted by Picasa

here's what was left. Posted by Picasa

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