Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Elea O'Meara Mossay

By the time I'd gotten around to posting the picture of pregnant Jamie -- about 10 pictures down -- Elea had already been born. Here she is at a few days old. Welcome! Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 15, 2007


The Yuck.

Ben's California car is deeply unhappy in this weather. Posted by Picasa

It would be a lot prettier with a little sunshine, rather than the dreary, rainy gray we've got today. Posted by Picasa

This bush is usually not on its side. Posted by Picasa


the latest kitchen project

Isn't that pretty? Posted by Picasa

Saturday, January 13, 2007


A new member of the family

She's a little shy, but she's only been home for an hour or so. Posted by Picasa

There's our kitty! We're calling her Cassie. Posted by Picasa


Annie's treasures

Annie found our luggage, not entirely unpacked, and decided what was left belonged to her She dragged about ten things into her crate -- a can opener (thanks, Alex & Jessica!), coasters and a day planner (thanks, Santa!), and a Marine Corps uniform belt, amonth others. The nice thing is that she didn't damage a thing! Posted by Picasa



Somehow I didn't get these two picture of Matt and Annie's new baby, Silas, posted in order. Amazing how much that boy looks like his older brother and sister.
 Posted by Picasa


Christmas blogging . . . finally

Sorry about the long delay. Bad blog ettiquite, I'm sure.

Here's a picture of Ben and his dad, about 15 minutes after we got on the ground in San Diego. Boy, does it look different than New York. Posted by Picasa

Christmas Eve and Lauren and Eduardo's house. Posted by Picasa

Aida seems pretty happy with her haul. Posted by Picasa

Grandparents Phinney, trying out Bob's new chair. Posted by Picasa

The boys take over the kitchen for a delicious egg breakfast. Posted by Picasa

This kid knows how to ham it up for the camera. And he's got a smile to kill. Posted by Picasa

What a good looking family! Posted by Picasa

Rhett finally warmed up to us enough to play around on the floor a bit. Posted by Picasa

One of our best San Diego friends, Jamie, is going to have a baby this month!! Posted by Picasa

Ben and his Grandparents Kennedy. Posted by Picasa

We spent some time on a gorgeous afternoon at Wind and Sea Beach, a little more than two years after we got married there. The small part of the beach where we were married has been largely washed away, and now you have to jump down about four feet from the rocks to get to the sand. Amazing how much it changed in so little time. Posted by Picasa

Alan and Ellen in their Scamp, their home away from home. Posted by Picasa

Aida and Pablo sharing a chocolate milk at Krispy Kreme. For some reason, Pablo really wanted us to take him for donughts. Posted by Picasa


We spent a lot of time with gos on this trip. Lauren and Eduardo's Lola and Trelo (we didn't get a picture of him) and Bob and Sue's Ponco and Rosie (below). Great dogs, all. Posted by Picasa

Our last little look at San Diego . . . a sea gull sitting on top of your plane as we got on board. Posted by Picasa

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