Friday, April 27, 2007


What do you do on the first beautiful weekend of the year?

First, spend a whole lot of time working on the backyard. We didn't work on it much last year, and it really needs help! New flowers, new grass seed, and new bushes to line the fence we put in last year.

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And then we went on a great tandem ride down by the Hudson River. Thanks to Rachel's mom & dad for the fabulous gift -- looks like we're going to love it. It'll take us a bit of getting used to, but we had a lot of fun on it.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007



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Not to beat a dead horse . . .

. . . but we're just so stinkin' happy about having the kitchen done!!! I promise, these are the last pictures we'll post.

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Here were a few steps along the way.
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And remember where it all began!
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Thursday, April 12, 2007



Here's what our completed kitchen (at least one side of it) looks like. Believe it or not, we really are almost done! More pics in a few days. Posted by Picasa


Finishing the tiling

We decided that it was time to get the countertops fully tiled, which meant pulling out the kitchen sink. Here we are in the beginning stages. Posted by Picasa

The finishing touches. Posted by Picasa

Just about done (but pre-grout on the backsplash). Posted by Picasa

How it looked before we got started. Posted by Picasa

The classiest part of the old countertops -- the brace that Ben used to secure the counters to the wall. Posted by Picasa


Our cutie patooties

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Sunday, April 01, 2007


The most important thing we missed.

Ok, we know it's been ages since we've blogged. But there's only so many pictures of snow and 11-year-old Cocker Spaniels that you can post. As many of you know, March has always been Rachel's least favorite month (it ought to be spring, but it never is). So, no posting. But, we did miss one very important day: Aida's Birthday.

Can you believe this beautiful girl is nine?!? Posted by Picasa


More kitchen progress

We're still working on it! One of our countertops is fully tiled and grouted (tiling the other counter will involve taking out the sink, so we need to have a few dedicated days before we attack that). We're spending a TON of time on the little stuff, like painting the baseboards and molding. Posted by Picasa

Our new shelves above the stove. Now we won't have to go into the dining room to get spices or oil while cooking. Posted by Picasa


Almost Spring.

This is what our backyard looked like on March 16. The thing is, you can never get too confident in the weather in the North in March. Posted by Picasa

This is not what you should wake up to on St. Patrick's Day. Posted by Picasa

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